

Initializing Database...

Parent 1




This is a tool used to calculate one of two things:

1) The child resulting from breeding two pals (Child-Oriented)
2) The possible parents one can use to breed a desired child (Parent-Oriented)

Simply click on a pal to select it. Clicking the pal again will deselect it.

-- NOTE: Pals will not deselect until they are manually deselected, or until another pal within the same panel is selected.

Each panel (Except the results panel) may also be expanded to show an additional column of pals.
To do this, simply click and drag from the bottom-right corner of a search panel.

*For more information on how to use each mode, see the below section titled "Modes"


*To switch between modes, use the dropdown menu labaled "Mode" at the top of the page.

Child-Oriented Mode

1) Select the first parent pal from the "Parent 1" Panel

2) Select the second parent pal from the "Parent 2" Panel

3) The "Child" Panel now contains the resulting child from breeding the two chosen parents

Parent-Oriented Mode

1) Select the pal you want to breed/hatch

2) Select a potential parent pal from the "Parent 1" Panel

-- NOTE: The "Parent 1" Panel will only show pals that may be bred together to result in the pal chosen in the "Child" Panel.

3) The "Parent 2" Panel is now populated with all possible parent pals that when bred with the chosen "Parent1" pal, will result in an egg containing the pal selected in the "Child" Panel

Filtering Search Panels

Each search panel may be filtered by element/type and work level.
To access a panel's filters menu, hover your cursor over the blue tab at the bottom of the panel.

*Pals will be "filtered out" if they don't meet the exact criteria selected via filtering.

Filtering By Element

1) Click on any of the element/type icons in the filters menu to add it to the list of acceptable elements. Click an icon again to deselect it.

-- NOTE: Pals are only shown if they are of every selected type. Selecting any more than 2 types will filter out every pal, as no pal is of more than 2 types.

Filtering By Work Type/Level

1) Click on any of the work icons in the filters menu to add it to the list of desired work suitabilities. Click an icon again to deselect it.

2) To set the minimum level of a work suitability, use the input field next to the work icon.
You may manually type levels (1-4), or you may use the arrow keys to scroll through them.

-- NOTE: Like when filtering by element/type, pals are "filtered out" if they don't meet every selected criteria within the filters menu.